Monday, October 11, 2010

Lessons from Nehemiah

“Doing God’s Work in the Midst of Opposition”
From the Book of Nehemiah
Presented by Mr. Tommy Logan

“As you do God’s work in the midst of opposition…”
1.      Remember where your help comes from. (Neh. 2:20)
2.      Focus on your faith, not your fear. (Neh. 4:14-15)
3.      Come together with the Body of Christ around a unified purpose. (Neh. 8:1-11)
I just recently heard the above sermon, presented by a translator here named Tommy Logan. He shared from the book of Nehemiah. It’s been a while since I’ve visited this book and I am so glad God brought it to my attention again! This story recounts the Israelite’s miraculous rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem after the Babylonian captivity.
What struck me first was how Nehemiah responded when he heard of the ruin of Jerusalem. Verse 4 of chapter 1 says that when Nehemiah heard these words, he “sat down and wept, and mourned for many days…fasting and praying before the God of Heaven.” This bad news deeply affected the man of God. So much so that his normal life came to a screeching halt and he went to his knees in prayer, asking God to intervene (1:5-11).
This is how I feel about the bibleless peoples of the world. It brings tears to my eyes to think of the millions of people who live without the transforming Word of God each day. Yes, some have rejected its message, but others have never even had the opportunity to hear of God’s love in their own language. I cannot continue with my normal way of life after hearing this devastating news. I must beseech the God of Heaven to intervene…and to use me, if He will.
By chapter 3, Nehemiah is in Jerusalem and work on the wall is well underway. Nehemiah lists each family who helped rebuild the wall, starting with the high priest, Eliashib. What a great picture of the Body of Christ in action! Just in my life alone, if I could list each person who has helped get me to PNG by encouraging me, partnering with me through finances and prayer, I would easily fill an entire book! And many of you continue to be an influential part of the work here with your timely prayers and gifts, your notes of encouragement, and your sacrifices of love.
Chapter 4 brings the first round of serious opposition from outsiders. Before acting, Nehemiah prays again, asking God to bring justice on their enemies. Then, this mighty leader equips his men with weapons to defend the work and reminds them to put their focus on the Lord, “great and awesome” (4:14). These faithful workers remained alert to attack while they build the wall, always being ready to defend the work of the Lord.
Often, when I feel attacked, I am blindsided. I have gotten lazy in my devotions, my fellowship with other believers, and I have forgotten what God has done on my behalf in the past. These faithful men did God’s work while remaining alert to the enemy’s schemes. Oh if I could be so wise! If I would be diligent to put on the whole armor or God each day and stand fast against the devil’s schemes(Eph. 6). May this be my reminder—and yours—to suit up and be alert!
Nehemiah was able to complete the wall in a miraculous 52 days. Don’t we all wish our Christian service could be completed in 52 days!! (Or even 52 years, for that matter!) But the truth is we are always going to be doing God’s work while we have breath in our lungs. As Galatians 6:9 reminds us, our harvest is coming, but we must not give up.
As Tommy Logan begins his third decade of translation work, as Wycliffe Bible Translators pushes to reach Vision 2025, as I walk through these very short two years as a teacher in PNG, and while you serve where you are planted, may God strengthen our hands to do His work while we stand strong against opposition! It is for His glory that we press on.


  1. Amazing :) I am continually in awe of God's word. Thank you for sharing and encouraging me once again!

  2. On track; over the top communication of the Word and your personal integration in the defense and promotion of God's story and victory!
