Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Introducing Riggs!

I'd like to introduce you to a member of my household named Riggs. My roommates and I are keeping track of Riggs while his owners (Doctor Jeff and his family) are away from Ukarumpa. At first, you might not think that Riggs is a lovable pet, as he is prone to be less than friendly to anyone he does not know. Actually, this large German Shepherd does exactly what he is meant to do: keep our house safe!

Papua New Guineans and many "white skins" do not really like dogs. In fact, many of our friends and neighbors are leery of Riggs even from a distance or on a leash. We have trouble getting people to come to our house if they know Riggs is loose in the yard. I can't say that I blame them. I used to feel the same way about dogs. But not Riggs. He's made a spot for himself in my heart and here's why...

First of all, Riggs is a built-in piece of exercise equipment! Who needs a treadmill when you can walk/jog with a German Shepherd for 45 mins. every day? Even when Rebekah and I trade off the walking responsibilities each day, he still keeps us running!

Second, having a dog has been teaching me about my own relationship with the Lord. Watching "The Dog Whisperer," Rebekah and I have learned that dogs must be in a state of "calm submission" in order to be balanced, happy, and willing to obey. Dog owners must learn how to keep their pet's attention by making sounds and/or touching them in such a way as to say, "Hey! Don't pay attention to that! Stay focused!"

Isn't it the same with the Lord? I easily get tense and worried about many things but the Lord desires that I remain in a state of "calm submission" to the Holy Spirit. All too often I am like Riggs. I am distracted by all the sights and sounds (and smells!) of the world around me when I should be trotting happily close to my Savior's side. Sometimes the Lord must break my attention from whatever it is that I'm fixated on, whether by a gentle Word, a "nudge," or something stronger. I hope that over the years of walking with my Savior that I will learn to trot happily next to Him in calm submission.

1 comment:

  1. Aw Melissa, I love this! That was such a great story about the dog! What a cutie he is! :) God is teaching you through all sorts of new methods!
