Friday, March 12, 2010

The Journey Begins

I just sent out my first official newsletter as a Wycliffe missionary. I titled it, "The Journey Begins" because that's what it feels like, a journey. But really, this journey began a long time ago. For me, this journey began when I first believed that Christ died for me and that He loved me at a very young age. It continued when I was in fifth grade as I yielded my life to the control of the Holy Spirit, asking God to take all of me. And this journey continued as I followed in His footsteps through college, the beginning of my career, and now out to the mission field.

It's really not a big step. Moving to Papua is just one more baby step in the grand scheme of obedience to Christ. It is just one more way for me to "pick up my cross daily and follow Him" (Luke 9:23).

So where are you headed? Are your choices today putting you on a path of obedience to the Father, trusting His will above your own? You may think you'd never move halfway around the world but are you willing to? What small steps are you taking right now, as you walk hand-in-hand with your Savior? I pray that we are all remaining faithful to the calling we have received, taking one step at a time and making memories with our Daddy along the way.

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